Monday, November 15, 2010

I'm Baaaaaaack!!!

We finally got hooked back up to the universe today!! A 20 minute job turned into an 80 minute job because "The system is down". I feel bad for the technicians that go to people's houses to hook them up. It's not the technician's fault. Their part of the job, running the line in, drilling a hole for the line, connecting it to the box on the side of the house, hooking things up to the computer inside the house, is all their job is, really. Then, they get on their version of the phone (it's kind of a cell phone and a work computer all rolled into one, not like a Blackberry, though), and the wait begins. This particular company does not have a separate call center to handle the technicians calls from the customer calls. So, they use the same number you do when calling and they have to wait for the next available operator, just like a regular customer does. Do you see what's wrong with this picture??? Anyway, I got hooked up. My computer is still acting a titch strangely, ever since that fabulous virus was running around in my system. There's still some glitches to be worked out. I need PaPa Brian to come up here and work his magic to fix things. I've done everything I know to do, I even think I know where it's coming from (which almost never happens), however, this needs someone far more "expert" than I. Work has been busier, of late, which has been nice. A bit more cha-ching in my pocket, thankyouverymuch! On a work-related note (well, kinda), all is not right in Evelyn's world. There's a strong suspicion that her husband, Lester, is cheating on her. Suddenly, she and Les have "date night", they're doing all kinds of things together (according to Evie), blah blah blah. What I see is Evelyn making a whole lot of effort, and Lester reaping the benefits, yet still carrying on with his "shenanigans" behind her back, but not really covering up his tracks a whole lot. It's sad, really. I'm certainly not crowing about it, nor laughing maniacally, or thinking Evelyn is getting her just desserts. When your spouse cheats on you, and you have to face that reality, and the rest of the reality that goes along with it, it SUCKS. Big time. They also have a little boy, who is unbelievably affected by all of this. In other news, KatieKatherine is actually doing well in school! Her bff, Vanessa, has taken over the job of getting her to do her homework and pass it in. Consequently, her grades have improved, tremendously!! I'm very pleased with her work, and have rightly told her so!!! Bulletins, as they happen!! :)

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you have recovered from the move...if I were only 41 it would be a snap! LOL
