Thursday, July 29, 2010

This week....

I'm on vacation. My first one in three years. It's a paid vacation, too, THANK GOD. I have a list going of the things I should be doing this week. Have I accomplished any of it?? No, not really. I'm still trying to keep up with the dishes! And, I get to do laundry, AGAIN. When you don't wear your work clothes, and just wear "civies" all week, suddenly there's a ton of laundry! We also did Vacation Bible School this week (MTW), so there's extra from there, as well. And, I'm back walking with purpose, so, there's clothing there from being so sweaty. Oh, yeah...extra towels from showering extra (yes, I do use the same towels for the body & hair, it's the wash cloths that are piling up rapidly), as well as scrubbing the makeup off my face from VBS --we were "Egyptians" this I coated my face in copious amounts of bronzer & did a bit of detail work to look Egyptian...even wore a black wig! It was fun, but I'm glad it's over. My face has NEVER been this clean! However, we must get some serious work done today. SiSi & NiNi are coming up tomorrow for a sleep over, and there must be space figured out in KatieKatherine's room both for the sleepers and for walking in the middle of the night when I have to pee!! I'm also supposed to be making a dent in the hair swatch situation....haven't done very much, I must say. Cleaned up the mess I left from a couple of weeks ago and that was it! However, the sleep fairy deemed it necessary that I get up at 0:dark thirty this morning, so, perhaps I ought to get to it before the child gets up. Not that she interferes with my work in the first place!

1 comment:

  1. The girls said they had a great time. Thanks for inviting them up!
