Friday, August 19, 2011

It's been pretty hairy lately....

I have been crazy busy lately!!  Yesterday was my second all-time high for customer count...14 in one day!!  Of course, I didn't get that done in the 7 hours I was scheduled....I was supposed to get out at 4 and didn't leave until 6...but, I raked in the BUCKS both in terms of services as well as tips!!  WOO HOO  Commission, here I come!!  Let's hope Saturday is just a busy!!

Stephie has taken to complaining on Facebook about how she hates her job....she made the mistake of friending me, so I made sure to send her a private message, asking her to stop doing that.  If there's a problem that I can fix, she needs to let me know about it.  But, please stop posting on FB about it....she's a typical passive person...won't say anything to some one's face, but will complain bitterly behind their back about whatever it is.  All set with that unprofessional stuff.

I had Tina cut my hair the other far, so good.  She also has had a great week so far....lots of clients coming in saying "I'm so glad you're here!!"  It's going to be interesting to watch her career take off, in a big way....

And, then, there's Rita....who, half jokingly said to me yesterday  "Will you go home so I can get some clients??"  Which was both revealing and funny at the same time.  Almost everyone that came in yesterday wanted me to cut their hair...too damn funny, really....

Part of me feels bad for Rita and Stephie...I know what it's like to be at the bottom of the pile, where no one knows you.  That was me for two years at my old salon.  Now, I'm in Ginger's shoes, Tina is in Evie's shoes (thank god she's not as obnoxious), Rita is trying Maude's shoes on for size, and Stephie is in my old shoes...not a great place to be....I remember it well....

HOWEVER.....I also worked hard for every client I did have at my old salon...wasn't able to keep them, but I worked damn hard for every one I had.   That's the big difference, because I don't see Stephie doing that quite so much.  Sounds like it might be time for a heart to heart with her...whether either of us likes it or not....Sigh....

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