Thursday, August 25, 2011

Who knows how much longer.....

So, I got a call from Tammy the other day...."Do the girls understand how commission works??"  Then proceeds to explain to me how to explain it to them.

Here's the thing.  You've got to CARE in order for all this information to work.  I can look up & crunch numbers for them until I am blue in the face.  But, if they don't care about these things, all that work is wasted.  Both Stephie & Rita are perfectly content with sitting on their behinds, doing NOTHING.  Rita will hang out in front of the salon, trying to get people to come in.  However, they tend to take one look at her and mentally say "nope."

Stephie's health tends to hold her back, as well.   I strongly suspect she has an eating disorder, which wreaks havoc with her entire system.  She also smokes a lot of pot after hours to come down from all the Red bull she drinks all day long to keep her energy up.  She doesn't realize that if she ate properly, she'd have the energy to get through her day and she'd feel a whole lot better, too.

And, they both have the attitude that "It will get busy soon....really, it will..."  instead of doing what they can to make it happen. 

I also strongly suspect, and I've had Walmart associates confirm this for me, that Rita is encouraging clients with whom she is friendly to come to her house instead to get their hair done, so she can pocket all the money.

I'm quite fed up with the "acting manager" position.  I'm sick of being held responsible for a bunch of screw ups.  And, I certainly don't get paid anything extra for being pseudo-responsible for these people, either.  And Tammy doesn't get the fact that I'm entirely too busy some days to get done the things she wants me to get done in the time frame she wants them done in.  Nor, does she get the fact that when I'm busy, and Tina is on as well, she's also too busy to get this stuff done.  Should I be schlepping this work onto the two that aren't busy??  Maybe.

My best friend has encouraged me to keep this position because it means that I get to control the schedule.  Well, here's the thing.  To an extent, yes, I do.  What controls the schedule is who makes how much money for the salon.  And the money makers are myself and Tina.  If my calculations are correct, I'll have a commission paycheck this week.  Tina missed it by a measly $8.00!!  (or by cutting an hour and a half, just to be safe).  To say that I'm frustrated is a gross understatement.

1 comment:

  1. I wouldn't be "acting" manager without the pay to go with the title...why would they have incentive to hire anyone when you will do it for free? I thought you were smarter than that, Beth!
