Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Things I hear people snivelling about

Snivelling, whining, moaning and groaning, bitching and complaining. They're all the same thing. Snivelling & whining tend to refer to children (except for some in my orbit), and the latter two are more "adult". I know that I do my fair share (and more, sometimes), however, there are times when I can't take hearing some of the same issues OVER AND OVER!! 1) "I'm a teacher, so I don't make any money" is probably my personal favorite. Currently, on "The Biggest Loser", one of the contestants who got voted off used that one. He lives at home, doesn't have a family to support. I get that he has student do I. However, I would GLADLY trade with him. He (and a lot of other teachers) make more than 2x what I do. I understand that there are some teachers who go way above and beyond because they love what they do and they do it well. Personally, I feel that these people should get a raise. It's the one's who stink as a teacher, who are only there to collect the paycheck, that I have a problem with!! 2) "How do you like what our current President is doing" and other snottily phrased comments about our current administration. To which I tend to reply (especially to the die-hard republicans I know) "I'd hate to have his job...he can't make anyone happy!" Because, really, he can't. Conversely, as much as everyone likes to say he's the head cheese, really, he's not. Congress is usually who is running the show. They are the ones who tend to get things "done", whatever they are, and the President is the one available for the photo op to sign something into law. At least, that's how it appears. I don't dislike our President, on the contrarey, I voted for the guy. But, even if I didn't, I'd still say the same thing. 3) " I don't have time to exercise". Really?? In the 10 minutes you've taken to snivel about how you don't have time for it, you could have gotten SOMETHING done. It's all about priorities. And, when you don't make you a priority, whoops! There it is! (this is the same person who can carve out time in her "busy" schedule to Christmas shop, but can't find the time to exercise..go figure) 4) "OMG, I'm so broke, I can't afford X". Listen. I'm tired of hearing that one, too. My income is relatively "fixed"--I say relatively because my tips change everything, and how often my clients want me to come in when I'm not scheduled--Yet, I can somehow manage, on very limited benefits from the state and child support (which I haven't gone up on in the 13 years I've been receiving it), to keep my cupboards full, my fridge full, clothes on our backs, a roof over our heads, a kitty to love, and a car to drive (complete with full coverage insurance). Would it stink beyond all measure to lose the one benefit I receive from the state?? (the Fed, actually, as it's food stamps) Yes. I would have NOTHING extra, EVER. But, I would find a way. I'm resourceful like that. The other thing I try hard to do is..................................................(drumroll) LIVE WITHIN MY MEANS. I'm not one to compete with the Jones's or anybody else, for that matter. I do not drive a fancy, expensive car, I don't wear designer clothes, (neither does my kid, for that matter)most of what I own is 2nd hand, or I've had it FOREVER. And yet, every 8 weeks or so, I can manage to pay for an expensive haircut, as my special treat to myself, pay for WW every week, pay for the laundry, and put gas in the car. How totally odd. I'm not trying to prove that I'm perfect. FAR from it. But, I've learned my lessons, the HARD way. I just wish everyone else would, too.

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