Monday, November 21, 2011


So, I rearranged the cosmos at work...Rita is now right next to me, and Tina is across the way.  They both, previously, were where they could not be seen by the customer, so people would walk by and think no one was working.  Not any more.  At least, not when they have a client in their chair....Still haven't figured out a way to keep them out of the back room when they're by themselves...

We had a staff meeting last week and I just reiterated the basics, which is what we're focusing on right now.  I restated company policies regarding cell phone usage, timeliness, etc.  Whether or not they follow through remains to be seen, but not only did I state the rules, yet again, but they also got a copy of what we went over, so there's no questioning what I said, or how I said it.  And threw Tammy's name out there every chance I got.  How productive or not productive they are is all up to them.

I continue to gain new clients...I just wish I could remember them when they come in three months later, expecting me to remember everything from the conversation we had!!  I feel bad when that's not that I didn't enjoy my time with them...I did.   But, depending on how many people I've seen between then and now is what erases my memory of them!!  I apologize profusely when it happens.  Sometimes it means I've kept them as a client, and sometimes not. 

I'm now also getting people that ask me to promise not to move to another salon without telling them!!  That's a good feeling, I've got to tell you.  I also had a lady (who suffers from OCD & anxiety) yesterday who loved what I did and who will be exciting!!!

The girls aren't calling Tammy with their personal sales figures like they're supposed to...I've caught both of them not doing that this week.  I suspect it goes on a lot more than it should.  I'm just as guilty, however, I don't normally do it on purpose....I tend to remember right when the nightly paperwork is printing, which means the computer is "polling"...sending the information over the phone line to home office.  If I pick up the phone, it breaks the connection...and I'm not supposed to call Tammy from home, either... (working off the clock, you know...)

I'm also looking forward to my two days off this week...Wednesday and Thursday (which happens to be the holiday)...I'm wiped out!!  It's been so darn busy that my body is reminding me I need some rest...I get the feeling I will COLLAPSE on Wednesday...I've only got laundry on my list...and I'm hearing that we're supposed to have sloppy weather on Wednesday...hmmmm.....

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