Friday, December 9, 2011

Visual Learner

The fun thing about hairdressers (at least most hairdressers, anyway) is that we're visual learners.  If you've got something new in mind, bring in a picture.  It's so much easier to have a reference point when dealing with your hair!

The other part of my visual learning is this (and, of course, it's a drawn out explanation):  I write down what I do for client services every day.  I keep track of what, who, how often, retail sold, coupons/business cards handed out, and what they tipped.  Partly because I'm nosy, but also because my employer demands it of me.  I like knowing what I did during the day.  The other thing I've started doing is tracking my day in an appointment book.

GASP!!!  NOT AN APPOINTMENT BOOK!?!?!?  Yes.  An appointment book.  We're not allowed to book appointments, so I don't use it for that, specifically.  However, at the end of every day, when I'm at home, I transfer what I write in my little notebook into my appointment book.  When at all possible, I try to record it in actual time (men's hair cut at 1pm, color at 3pm, etc), including blocking out how long it took me to accomplish each appointment.  Why do I do this??  So I can see how full my day is.

When I worked for Ginger, I had a lot of down time.  So, I spent a lot of time examining various things in the computer.  Productivity being a big one.  I'm between Ginger & Evelyn in terms of productivity....that being said, Evelyn is busier because I'm not there to"hog the clients".  She actually inherited a bunch of my clients when I left.  But, anyway....right now, with the staff I have, we're on par with my old salon.  Which, for a new salon, I happen to think is pretty good.

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