Sunday, May 29, 2011


So, Becky came in Wednesday, not later today.  I got to observe her doing schedules, a titch of training.  So, now I get to do schedules.  Becky tried to talk to me Thursday, however, there were too many co-workers around for me to talk to her about all the issues that are going on right now.  She's supposed to be calling me back, sometime over the weekend, trying to catch me at an opportune moment...hasn't happened as of yet.

Doing the schedules isn't all it's cracked up to be.  I've noticed, with my co-workers, that they all want to learn the manager stuff as long as it's "fun"...when it comes to the accountability and responsibility, they ALL back away, asking "Beth????  Can you help???" And, some, are unwilling to educate themselves any further, unless it's fun.  Example:  Rita had a client's mother asking questions about her hair color yesterday.  She got it done in another salon, had it lightened, in fact.  She was quite dark to start off with (has the dark brown eyes to prove it), and colored her hair dark to boot.  Ideally, what happened is the hairdresser took her too far into blond.  And it was a startling change for her.  It's also on the warm side of things, and multi-tonal.  Which bothers her because her hair, previously, was all one color.  Ideally, what should have happened is that they should have started highlighting her, a light to medium highlight, instead of a heavy highlight, to break her in gently to the lighter color.  Rita had called me over to consult with her, then walked away from the consultation, instead of staying and learning how to handle the whole thing.

Rita came in yesterday, looking like she got dressed out of the rag bag...Lindsey came in the other day wearing a tank top.....can you tell they haven't read the dress code??

On the upside:  I gained yet another new client yesterday....very exciting.  Stephie got a couple of requests based on people watching her cut hair from the doorway (happens sometimes)...for a new hairdresser, she's got it all going on...poise, confidence, skill and god-given talent.  Over all, we were fairly busy yesterday.  And, with Stella and Tina not there  (Stella had a long weekend, Tina is out, having had her wisdom teeth pulled the other day.), we only had maybe a 15 minute wait for most people.  Actually, I gained a second client yesterday...she had been in last month and had Rita.  When she came in yesterday, she was quite glad that I wound up with her, and said so.  Therefore, I gave her the hair cut she asked for, which was nice, for the both of us. 

I'm hoping that Becky stops in the salon, SOON.  I need her to check over the schedule I did, just to ease my mind, really, as well as have a private chat with her about what I see.  Tina, once she's back, Stephie, Lindsay, and myself will do just fine.  It's Rita and Stella I'm concerned about...lots of training needed there....and how she wants to handle it, too.

One of the things Becky made a point of stating when everyone was hovering over her, watching her do the schedules, is that the people who aren't consistently busy will get the crappier schedules...the productive ones will get the premium schedules.  Which is something I need to find out exactly what a "premium schedule" is, and what a crappy schedule is.  Is premium day shifts, consecutive days off, only one night a week??  And is the crappy side of things lots of evenings, shorter shifts, reduced schedule??  Because, as it stands, we're one hairdresser over the schedule.  Should be interesting how it all plays out.

Believe it or not, over all, I enjoy the people I work with.  Never a dull moment in there, even when it's slow.  But, I have to have that talk with Becky about the manager position before I get all involved (more than I already am) in figuring out how to positively motivate those that need the most help.

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