Sunday, January 13, 2013

Corrective color from hell, part 2

So, she comes in...LATE.  Big surprise.  With a half-baked apology.  "I'm sorry.  Can we still get this done??"  "We'll just have to make it work"  Honestly.  What the hell is wrong with you??  If you have an "important" event to go to, GET YOUR COLLECTIVE CRAP TOGETHER BEFORE HAND!!!

This is what I would have done if A) I was her, or B) I had been in control of this color long before this week:

1) As soon as I got the tickets, or even the invite, book appointments.  Make phone calls to find out who does what, where, and what time.

2) ARRANGE TO TAKE TIME OFF FROM WORK.  She is a home health care nurse.  She worked Friday night into Saturday morning.  HELLO, EYE BAGS.  It's also why she was late.

3) FIND A DRESS THAT FITS.  One that needs minimal alteration, not major surgery.

4) Get ALL the accessories you need together, before hand, such as the correct bra, spanx, pantyhose, jewelry, hair gems, all of it.

5)  Get the issues with your hair dealt with, well in advance, not last minute.  That way, there's no panic on any body's part to get things "right".


So, she comes in 1/2 hour-ish late.  Awesome.  I don't even discuss what I'm doing, I just go mix it up.  Tick tock.  Through the course of conversation, I let it be known that A) she could easily support red hair, if she wanted to, which would be easier to accomplish than the blonde  B) if she'd come in even two weeks ago, we wouldn't be scrambling last minute to get this stuff done.  C) if she'd let me have complete control over her hair, she'd have a short, Jamie Lee Curtis haircut, with the blonde ends colored to match her natural hair, let it grow out, cutting off the old blonde as we go until it's GONE,  then start over FRESH with hair in fabulous condition.  When I mentioned how short her hair ought to be, short term, to get her back to healthy hair, she about lost her mind.  Not to mention going back to her natural color, so she can have healthy hair.

Seriously.  To keep things looking as natural as possible, it's suggested you don't go more than 3 shades lighter or darker, depending on which direction you're aiming.  This lady is a level 3.  Which means, to keep the gold under control, she needs to go no lighter than a level 6, which is darkest blonde.  Then, maybe highlight the heck out of it to make it appear lighter.  But, ONLY ON HEALTHY HAIR!!!

So, I'll probably make some swatches, on natural level 3 hair, to show her some options.  Of course, this will probably be all for naught, but, at least I'll be prepared.

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