Saturday, January 2, 2010

A "cock & bull" story...

When I left work on Wednesday, I had one of Evelyn's clients in my book...he's someone I went to high school with, I cut his hair before, not a big deal. I knew once Evelyn saw his name in my book, she would do whatever it took to get him OUT of my book, it was just a matter of time. I walked into work today, and Ginger pulls me aside to tell me a story that was a bit "smellie"...stunk like 3 day old fish, actually, about how Evelyn ran into this client and he "talked" to her about how if she had an opening he'd like to be switched to her, he's been going to her a long time, she's faster...all these excuses. (notice how she managed to get the comment in about being faster...), so, when Evelyn magically had an opening, they moved the client over. I told Ginger I had no problem with that, that it sounded like the client didn't really want to be with me when he called, but was willing to take what he could get, blah blah blah. Ginger also made a point of telling me that Evelyn had even called her to verify that she didn't have a client this morning at 8am, so she could come in a tad later. Here's the rest of the story....Evelyn called just after 8am to verify that she didn't have a client first thing, and didn't call Ginger at home about it. And, the whole thing with the other client was a BIG FAT LIE. Evelyn's client base has dropped off soooo much she is desperate to hang onto every one she has. If you pull up this client's history , he will go to whoever has the time when Evie isn't available and doesn't usually pull the "if you have an opening, please call me" card. I don't believe he knows that's an option, quite frankly! I don't quite understand the need to lie to people. I want sooo badly to say something because I know they were both lying. However, I also know that it's not worth the effort it takes to stir up that lovely pot of smelly mess. So, as always, it is my focus to take care of the clients I have and make sure they stay mine. It is kind of fun, I have to admit, to give Evelyn a dose of her own medicine, however...

1 comment:

  1. Finally, a minute to sit and read bloggage! Yours is certainly pink (it is pink, right?)

    I spent this evening weeding out the comment spam from mine. Tomorrow, I'll see about actually posting something. Small steps on the road to a better routine...

    To comment on this post, I'd just like to say that being a teacher is fraught with political tension but I'm quite proud of not having to be involved in very much of it. It's a lot less of an issue at my school, which I greatly appreciate. I think the reason for that is that there is a conscious effort on the part of the people who work there not to engage in it. I don't know how you do that in a small shop, though, short of being the boss and leading by example.
