Saturday, October 22, 2011


So, Tammy came on Wednesday.  She showed up at 8am, left before 10am.  Poof.  Done.  All the meeting was about was how things are supposed to be, so everyone understands the whole commission system.  She also explained how returns/refunds are to be done.  Which was helpful, because I've explained all the paperwork to the girls until I'm blue in the face, but what the hell do I know??  Tammy is S-L-O-W-L-Y figuring out that Becky didn't tell us/teach us ANYTHING....I suspect that, after a year, we won't be considered a "new" salon any longer.  So, the "slack" we've been granted won't be lasting much longer.

In other related news:  The "mojo" of the salon has been thrown off in a big way this week.  Is it the HUGE full moon we had??  Or Tammy being here and us not knowing what she was going to do??  A mixture of both??  Who the heck knows.  What I do know is I'll be glad when this week is O-V-E-R!!

Let's see....what else??  OH!  We had an idiot drunk in the salon Wednesday night....that was a "good" time....The best part??  While his kids were in the salon (ages 11 & 9), receiving services, the dumb ass was out in the parking lot, pretending to go home to "get something to return", drinking some more.  And the poor lamb is divorced...can you imagine???  (rolling my eyes here...)

At first, when he first came into the salon, he was talking to a guy friend just outside the door, so I chalked his stupidity to his buddy being nearby (some guys have to posture and act like an idiot to impress their brother is like that).  I also tried to give him the benefit of the doubt...his daughter seemed like she had "something" going on, so maybe it was an inherited thing (speech pattern, lack of brain cells (in his case), something...)  Nope.  We were completely "shit-faced", "hammered", whatever you want to call it.

By the time he decided to go out to his vehicle to drink some more (he just wasn't gone long enough to have driven all the way out to Guilford Elementary School and back), I'd had enough of his stupidity.  Apparently, he's never seen a short, chunky, busty red head before, and I fascinated the twit.  To the point that he was completely IN MY SPACE while I was cutting his son's hair (who was a great kid, by the way).  I almost stepped on the drunken idiot as I was moving around my chair, working.  Ugh.

The best part??  Even if he was sober, he still wouldn't have been a nice looking guy or a guy I'd want to spend any time with.  And, unknown to the little darling, I've had my fair share of drunks...all set.  Where do these people come from??  Who has been tipping rocks lately to let these things out??

Gotta love full moon....

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