Sunday, October 16, 2011

Just a little trim.....

"I just want a trim, not a hair cut"...."A regular man's hair cut" ..."A regular boy's hair cut".  "I've been growing my hair out...haven't had it cut in two years"  "Just a quick dye job"  "Just throw in a couple of foils"

Okay,  lemme 'splain somethin' to you, Lucy....a "trim" is the SAME as a hair cut.  We go through all the same motions to "trim" it as we do to cut it.  What YOU, the client needs to say is "no more than 1/2 inch off".
"A regular man's/boy's hair cut" opposed to irregular hair cuts??  (of which I've fixed MANY, trust me)  WHAT THE HELL IS A REGULAR HAIR CUT?!?!?  Just give us the freakin' details....up over the ears to expose the ears, or not??  And when was the last time it was cut??  PAY ATTENTION PEOPLE!!!

"I've been growing my hair out...haven't had it cut in two years"...Seriously??  WHY??  So that 4 inch section of hair can touch your behind and make you THINK you have long hair??  *rolling my eyes here*  Again, if you schedule your hair cuts on a regular basis (1 month, 2 months, 3 months), work with the same hairdresser so you both know what the goal is, and agree on how much gets cut off at each hair cut, you'd be at your goal at the same time it took you to grow that mess out, than by leaving it alone.  And here's a little bit of science for you:  Hair has a growing phase, a resting phase and a falling out phase (catogen, anagen, telogen), and each individual hair is doing it's own thing.  THAT would be why you get that v-shaped hairline when you want forever to get your hair cut.  And it feels scraggly.  If you and your hair dresser develop a regimen and stick to it, your hair will be long and healthy, all at the same time, knuckle head!!

"Just a quick dye job" such freakin' thing.  First of all, if your stylist has half a brain, they're going to go through a complete consultation with you, writing down the important to them parts, such as hair type, condition, previous color, what is needed (grey coverage)and what is wanted.(red tones, ash tones, neutral tones).  Even if this is accomplished in 5 minutes, it takes another 5-10 minutes to create the color you're looking for (sometimes we don't have the exact components and need to create it), and can take up to 30 minutes to apply it, depending on the density of your hair.  Can a "quick dye job" be done at home??  Absolutely.  You mix up the stuff in the bottle and start smearing it around on your head....which leaves blank spots at the back of your head where you can't really reach as well as damages the entire head of hair, all at the same time.  So, go ahead, do it at home.  I'll see you in my chair for a color correction.  Which, by the way, will cost a heck of a lot more than the initial color job in the first place.  AND dye is for clothing and shoes...COLOR is for hair.

"Just throw in a couple foils" you think any one would mind if I just tossed pieces of foil at them like Rip Taylor and his pail of confetti??  Using foils, even just a few, is all about placement.  And every one's head is different.  The difference between natural looking highlights and not natural looking highlights is a foil or two in the wrong place...that's it.  All it takes.

These are things we hear all the time.  And we all feel like a broken record, repeating ourselves all day long, educating John Q Public about how it's not as easy as we make it look.

Oh, friend, Ami, brought this up on Facebook this morning...when we say we're closed, we're closed.  If there's no money in the register, the register is locked, we can't get into it to do much as it's all about the customer all the time, cut us a little bit of slack, would you??  And don't tell us it's just a trim when it's an entire new creation....thanks.

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