Sunday, October 9, 2011

Letters, part 2

So, from what I understand (by talking to Tina), Stephie seems to think I totally have it in for her, and that I hate her. (mind you, she's my Red Bull drinker and pot smoker, so there's some anxiety and paranoia going on here).  Sigh....

It genuinely takes a LOT for me to hate someone or something.  I can intensely dislike things, or people,for that matter, but to actually HATE something or someone, takes a lot.  I feel it's the exact same intensity that love is....if you're saying it, you'd better mean it.  Therefore, I don't "hate" things a lot.

Anyway.  The Regis Corporation, much like any other corporation, is all about sales figures.  We now know, finally, exactly what it is they're looking for.  I've got how they want service commission to be figured out for each day, I've got retail commission for each day all figured out, I've got how many "combo tickets" need to be obtained for each day.

 What are combo tickets, you might ask??  Well, in Regis-speak, it's when you sell retail behind the chair---meaning while the client is in your chair, you talk to them about the virtues of the products you've used on their hair...shampoo,conditioner, styling products.  By endorsing them, you should manage to convince your client to purchase what you've used on their hair so they can get the same results at home.  If you believe in the product, it's pretty easy to convince the client it will do what it claims.  And, since Regis wants 8% of your weekly clients to be combo tickets (I believe it's weekly...could be mistaken on that one), it's pretty easy to achieve.  It works out to roughly 4 clients a week.  Now, if you see 20-30 clients a week (which isn't uncommon where we work) that's 2-4 clients a week you need to sell to, to make the "gods" at home office happy.

My goal??  To put this into easy to understand, written down goals, for everyone to follow, including Stephie, who will resist this every stinking step of the way.

What is truly frustrating about talking to her is she's such a passive -aggressive.  For me, those people are so hard to deal with.  I'm trying, but it's not easy.  She's going to take everything as a personal attack, which makes me not want to talk to her, which, in turn, is exactly what she wants, so I won't talk to her about these things, so she can just go on her merry way.  And, if you know me, there's no way in h-e-double toothpick I'm going to let her get away with that one!!

1 comment:

  1. Do you actually use their product all the time? Just curious...personally my hair cleaner is your Aunt Judy's soap! It cleans better than any commercial shampoo I have used. Why are you wasting your time with Stephie if you are not the paid manager...let someone else do it.
