Saturday, February 20, 2010

What a weird week....

We've been battled the "stomach bug" for three weeks...we're now down to random stomach aches that will go away. She still needs to stay away from greasy food. This could be a good thing! Currently, KatieKatherine and her bff are hanging out in her room...they have February Vacation this week, so I decided it was a good time to have the bff over for a 3 day weekend. I remember how much fun they were with my bff, so, just thought I'd share that with KatieKatherine. We're also going to Massachusetts tomorrow to celebrate Chinese New Year with our chosen family...should be tons of fun!!! The weather has been weird, too...We had a snow day at the beginning of the week, now it's 40 degrees out, most of the snow is gone. Then, we're supposed to get snow earlier next week, too... My car had a look-see with the local mechanic...broken rear springs...$450, will be fixed this week. Just found out I have a head light out...mechanic will be fixing that, too... Had a great day Tuesday, at work, despite the storm...Did, what I like to call, a total transformation. Took a chin length bob to a cute short 'do...very stylish!! Did I take pictures?? Nope. Nada. Nothing. Actually had a day off Thursday...KatieKatherine was in school (she made it 3 days this week!), so I rearranged her bedroom to accommodate her friend staying here. Friday, I was booked with 7 clients, and Saturday filled in most nicely. Let's see...what else is going on?? We're getting ready for KatieKatherine's 13th birthday party, which is in a couple of weeks. Should be lots of fun...roughly 25 people crammed into our apartment...lots of noise, kids running around..a blast, really. Also received some of my much anticipated education this week. Slightly disappointing, when I received my package. The information is GREAT, the presentation is lacking, particularly considering how much I paid for this stuff! My next bunch of education should be arriving this coming week or next. Here's hoping that's better!! Evelyn wasn't at work today...her husband wound up in the emergency room last night...he has acid reflux, a bacterial infection, was dehydrated enough to be delirious, so she stayed home with him. Which means, work was peaceful today. I worked on a couple of her clients, which was fun, gained (hopefully) some new clients, and waited on my favorite "old lady" client of the salon. Her name is Alice (for real). She's a 90 year old retired school teacher. She's been married to Dick (also his real name) for 60 some odd years. They have no children, just each other and their various relatives. They are the cute old couple that everyone aspires to be. I could listen to Alice talk all day, telling all of her fabulous stories when she was teaching 7th & 8th graders, way back when. She is also the client that I've learned how to do a french-twist on. She has sparse, white, crazy old lady hair that has spent the last 40 years being teased into the ceiling! When I do her hair, I put it in nice & tight, because I know, later in the week, it's going to loosen up. I also tease the living daylights out of it, so she's got a solid base to work with!! Ginger has been extremely friendly with me this week...Both Wednesday and today...coincidentally, it's because Evelyn is absent. But, that's okay. We actually get along pretty well. I don't always like how she handles things, but I'm not there to be aware of that, to that degree. I'm there to do hair, to take care of my clients. And, that's what I do. She's aware of it, and seems to be okay with it, so, there it is. A weird post, for a weird week!


  1. Gong hay fat choy! See you in a couple of weeks!

  2. Hope Katie is feeling better! I can't believe that sweet little girl is going to become a bratty teenager! Have fun celebrating the Chinese New year I was in San Francisco, filling in at one of the offices that was short of help, during the beginning of the CNY, talk about a celebration!
